Olive oil is a major component of the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in antioxidants. The main fat it contains is monounsaturated fatty acids, which experts consider a healthful fat. People tend to live longer and healthier lives in regions where olive oil is a staple part of the diet.

Extra virgin olive oil is obtained by crushing olives and extracting the fresh juice. It is unrefined and the highest-quality olive oil you can buy. Because of the way extra virgin olive oil is made, it retains the true flavour of olives, and has a lower level of oleic acid than the other varieties. It has a higher concentration of natural vitamins and minerals found in olives.


1) Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a Fantastic Source of Antioxidants and Healthy Fats

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a rich source of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, both of which are thought to protective cardiovascular health.

the natural extraction process used to produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil ensures it retains all the nutrients and antioxidants from the olive fruit.

The fat composition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is also a major contributor to its healthfulness. It’s primarily made up of monounsaturated fat, a heart healthy fat that is a staple of the Mediterranean diet.

2) More Olive Oil Could Help Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the number one cause of premature death worldwide. Populations residing in mediterranean regions have low rates of mortality from heart disease. While this is due to a combination of factors, their high consumption of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is thought to be a major one.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains a number of active compounds that contribute to heart health. Observational studies consistently find that those who consume the most have a lower risk of heart disease.


3) Olive Oil May Protect Against Stroke

People who use olive oil will likely be replacing other less heart healthy fats in their diet. Combine this with the high antioxidant and monounsaturated fat content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and it’s clear why it appears to have a favourable impact on cardiovascular health. A diet high in olive has been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of stroke in observational studies.


4) Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Help Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

It’s thought that the phenolic compounds present in Extra Virgin Olive Oil aid in glucose metabolism and improve the sensitivity and effectiveness of insulin.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil may help improve insulin sensitivity, which can help protect against type 2 diabetes or to manage pre-existing diabetes.


5) Olive Oil Consumption May Improve Bone Health

Olive oil, especially those rich in polyphenols such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil, may prevent bone loss with aging. Human studies propose that olive oil can inhibit bone reabsorption (the breakdown of calcium) and increase bone formation.


6) The Compounds in Olive Oil May Protect Against Certain Cancers

The unique oleocanthal content of Extra Virgin Olive Oil may play a protective role. Interestingly, oleocanthal is an antioxidant that forms during the malaxation of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and is not found in any other food.


7) A Diet High in Extra Virgin Olive Oil May be Good for Brain Health

Olive oil could potentially reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related dementia.

The phenolic components of Extra Virgin Olive Oil may help clear the compounds that cause brain degeneration.

Extra virgin olive oil is the first oil that comes out of cold pressing the olives. It has been subjected to zero processing. It also contains only 1% of Oleic Acid and is able to retain all its antioxidants.

Extra virgin olive oil is obtained by crushing olives and extracting the fresh juice. It is unrefined and the highest-quality olive oil you can buy. Because of the way extra virgin olive oil is made, it retains the true flavour of olives, and has a lower level of oleic acid than the other varieties. It has a higher concentration of natural vitamins and minerals found in olives.